Aims and Scope

The journal offers authors the opportunity to share different views and ideas within the sphere of economic practice. It presents research findings, raises questions and attempts to find effective management solutions. We publish articles written not only by well–known and respected researches, but also by young scientists.
The journal publishes scientific research from all areas of the economy, including theory and practice within the following sections:
- Management Theory and Management Practice – these two sections allow authors to publish research articles that investigate and offer solutions to current issues connected with the theory and practice of management. Emphasis is placed on the presentation of management fundamentals, the theoretical and practical explanation of knowledge and the implementation of the overall management process. The research articles discuss the challenges to business management by studying its functional, structural and behavioural aspects.
- Marketing – in this section, the journal publishes original research, reviews and commentaries focusing on various topics, such as the philosophy of the market behaviour of economic agents; the study and forecast of consumer behaviour; the management of marketing; marketing research; the development of marketing approaches and tools; the use of marketing concepts in different sectors of the economy and public life; and digital marketing. The materials may present research findings as well as their authors’ ideas, which can contribute to the development of the marketing theory.
- Company Competitiveness – the complex and multidimensional nature of
competitiveness determines the wide scope of possibilities offered to potential authors via this section. They may publish their current research on topics related to the competitiveness of companies – innovations and their management; competitive price formation; human resources management; labour productivity; economic growth; quality management; technical and technological development; the development of competitive products. - Information and Telecommunications Technologies – the implementation of new information and telecommunications technologies is a factor that determines the development of every company or organization. The use of these technologies can lead to considerable changes in the organizations’ activities and may impose new organizational structures. Technologies require organizations to acquire new management methods and decision–making techniques. They also set new standards for the qualifications of employees. This determines the priority research axes in the area of information technologies, i.e. designing and developing business information systems; applying various information technologies in the different economic sectors of the national economy; outlining the current state and perspectives regarding the development of e-business and e-commerce; using modern technological solutions in business management.
- Accounting and Auditing – this specialized section presents an opportunity to promote relevant and innovative research in the field of accounting and auditing with special focus on outlining existing problems and finding efficient, practical solutions. The contents of the published materials encompasses the following main areas: scientific research, conceptual pieces and commentary. Priority is given to original research articles that raise discussion questions, have well–justified methodological approaches to the issues presented and report findings that are practically approbated with reference to the verification of the scientific knowledge created.
- Insurance and Social Security – within this section researchers may publish articles discussing the development of the insurance and social security markets; the management of insurance companies and social security organizations; Government regulations in the sector and their influence on the insurance and social security business. The materials published in this section outline the current issues for the insurance and social security business. This section places special emphasis on the challenges to the process of making the managerial decisions that will improve and develop insurance practices and social security systems.
- Review articles, book reviews and good practice reports.