Година 2022, Брой 3
Дата на издаване30.9.2022 г.
Olena Sushchenko, Kateryna Kasenkova, Serhii Sushchenko
INNOVATIVE MARKETING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM SPECIALIZED TYPESJEL: Z32Резюме: New tools and innovative marketing technologies are emerging in the process of globalization and digitalization of society. The aim of this paper is to review and evaluate the prospects of Internet technologies as tools for... New tools and innovative marketing technologies are emerging in the process of globalization and digitalization of society. The aim of this paper is to review and evaluate the prospects of Internet technologies as tools for analyzing consumers of the tourism market and segmentation of destinations according to specialized types of tourism. The paper uses scientific research methods - analysis, synthesis, systems approach and graphical approach. The possibility of using Ads Manager to collect information and as a communication channel with potential consumers of services is considered. In order to be able to analyze current trends and initially respond to customer requests and wishes, every year more and more analytical systems with complex algorithms appear, a clear example of which was the Google Trends system. It is determined that such information collection technologies are promising. It is confirmed that the pace of innovation is accelerating under the double pressure of changes in tourist behaviour and large-scale technological mutations. -
Bożena Sowa
THE IMPACT OF THE TAX HARMONIZATION PROCESS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF VAT) ON BUDGET REVENUES IN 25 SELECTED EU COUNTRIES – A COMPARATIVE ANALYSISРезюме: As a result of the progressive integration of European countries, a need has emerged to integrate tax law provisions, especially in the field of indirect taxes. Over the years, it has been possible to introduce several changes aimed... As a result of the progressive integration of European countries, a need has emerged to integrate tax law provisions, especially in the field of indirect taxes. Over the years, it has been possible to introduce several changes aimed at, among other things, equalizing the level of tax rates as well as reducing the tax gap through preventive measures taken at the European level. This paper aims to assess the impact of the VAT harmonization process on the level of budget revenues on the example of 25 selected EU countries that have been members of the community since 2004 (Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Hungary). The impact of changes in VAT rates and the dynamics of revenues on the budgets of individual countries due to value-added tax is analyzed in particular. The article is based on a comparative analysis of financial data posted on the official EU website, available literature on the subject, scientific articles and internet resources, with the particular use of national normative acts and EU legal regulations. In addition, a statistical research method is used, and the results, presented in tables and graphs, are then subjected to interpretation. The results of the research carried out: 1) The need for tax harmonization is the result of the progressive integration of countries within the structure of the European Union. One primary aspect, which has not been achieved yet, is the harmonization of VAT rates applied in individual countries. 2) Another issue that requires additional harmonization regulations is the applicable registration thresholds, beyond which the obligation to register an active VAT payer arises. 3) Considerable success achieved in the process of VAT harmonization is the reduction of the gap size in each of the surveyed Member States over the years after the accession to the EU. -
Марияна Павлова, Асен Божиков, Иван Ангелов, Искрен Таиров, Александрина Борисова Александрова, Кристина Георгиева, Мариела Стоянова
INTEGRATING CRISIS MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS IN EUROPEAN COHESION POLICYКлючови думи: regional disparities, integrated territorial investment, crisis management, European policyРезюме: The series of challenges facing modern society posed by the consequences of the global economic crisis, the debt crisis in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, etc. inevitably determine the relevance of research in the... The series of challenges facing modern society posed by the consequences of the global economic crisis, the debt crisis in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, etc. inevitably determine the relevance of research in the field of crises and the mechanisms for dealing with them. The aim of this publication is to examine the effectiveness of the introduced crisis management toolkits within the EU. The research methods used are limited to the study of scientific knowledge on the relevant issue, critical analysis and expert evaluation of the adopted approach to recovery by the Community. As a result of the conducted research, the tools that the EU applies to deal with the negative consequences of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine have been clarified. Priority areas for impact are identified depending on the applied mechanisms and new horizons for development are defined. In this context, the role of integrated territorial investments (ITI) in this process is also considered. -
Cordelia Onyinyechi Omodero
THE ROLE OF CORPORATE TAX, EARNINGS AND DEBT IN DETERMINING DIVIDEND POLICY OF FIRMSРезюме: Dividend policy is a critical component of corporate finance strategy, which, when properly implemented, will allow firms to grow. In general, equity holders or corporate fund providers expect a favourable dividend policy as a... Dividend policy is a critical component of corporate finance strategy, which, when properly implemented, will allow firms to grow. In general, equity holders or corporate fund providers expect a favourable dividend policy as a motivation and reward for their investment in a company. Despite this golden expectation, there are still certain factors that invariably determine the outcome of firms' dividend policies. This study investigates the influence of corporation tax, profits, and debt in determining business dividend policy. In this paper, we argue that dividend policy is influenced not only by corporate taxation, but also by other factors such as profitability and debt. The panel statistics are derived from the businesses' public financial statements, which cover the years 2016 - 2020. To evaluate the panel data, the study uses Pairwise Granger Causality Tests, the Hausman check, the collective outcome prototypical, and the coincidental upshot model. Four null premises are examined, and the results reveal that corporate taxes and earnings have an affirmative impact on businesses' surplus payments. Contrarily, debt and interest expenditures have no momentous inspiration on surplus disbursement. The analysis shows that dividend payments and debt are diametrically opposed. The paper suggests equity financing to enhance organizations’ business expansion. -
Rakesh Ahlawat, Mandeep Ghai, Sanjeev Kumar Garg
FACTORS INFLUENCING RESTAURANT SELECTION IN THE COVID-19 ERA: A STUDY OF CONSUMER PREFERENCES IN INDIAРезюме: COVID-19 struck the humanity at the end of 2019 and since then it has been ravaging the mankind. Since then the economies have been badly affected; businesses have shut down and the restaurant businesses are no exception to it. Now,... COVID-19 struck the humanity at the end of 2019 and since then it has been ravaging the mankind. Since then the economies have been badly affected; businesses have shut down and the restaurant businesses are no exception to it. Now, when the vaccination programs are being carried out by the governments all around the world, including India, and restrictions are going away, the customers will be coming out to the restaurants. This paper intends to study what are the factors which will make the Indian customers choose a restaurant and to find out if there have been effects of the pandemic on the criteria of restaurant selection. To find the answers to these, a questionnaire with ten various factors was designed and circulated by using Google Form. The data thus collected was analyzed by applying one sample t-test and Gap analysis. The hypothesis was tested and it was found that the pandemic had an impact on the restaurant selection criterion. ‘Personal hygiene of the staff’, ‘quality of food ingredients’ and ‘taste of food’ are the most important factors for customers in deciding to choose a restaurant and ‘location’ with no impact on restaurant selection.